It Was Just for Me


The situation was bad! Really bad! It seemed as if there was no way out! But, just in time, when my back was up against the wall, a way was made out of NO WAY!

What was my reaction the moment things changed?


Well, I took a deep breath, exhaled, offered a sigh of relief, and I gave praise to the Most High.

I call instances like this just for me. Have you ever had a just for me? I know, I know! You say, what’s a just for me?


Here is an example. Sometime ago, I patiently and methodically set at my computer and created a monthly, weekly, and daily plan to ensure that I get all the things I needed to do in my personal and professional life for the next three months.  I need to tell you; this task took me a minute!

Nevertheless, for someone like me, who becomes easily distracted, creating this plan was extremely valuable in helping me effectively get things done from day to day. More importantly, it reduced my stress level in that it transferred my “one day I’ll do that” in my brain to a safe and secure place of “I will accomplish that on”. 

Anyhow, every day, I got up and worked from this plan. With a feeling of great accomplishment, I would cross off those things I completed and add any additional things I needed to do. I tell you; I spent a lot of time developing this plan. And I am happy to say, things were really going well.


But, wouldn’t you know it, a few weeks later, I got up one morning, and just like that, it was gone! I could not access it. I spent hours trying to retrieve it. Then, after much distress and frustration, I decided to create another one, but this time, I determined to back it up.

However, regardless of how much I tried to remember my plan, I could only come up with what I needed to do for just that week. Exasperated and in the state of despair, I whispered a prayer, with little hope that it would be answered. And, sure enough it seemed as though nothing happened.

Well, I tell you, after completing those things that I needed to do for that day, I set back at my computer, and in my mind a faint voice said, “try this”. Do you believe it?  There it was, as if it had never left!


That was just for me. Tried as I may, to redo my plan, I just couldn’t recall it. But, just for me, the Most High, in His infinite love and mercy, showed me how to get it back.

Then, I wondered, why didn’t the Almighty answer me instantly, why the wait? Then it come to me. You see, had He responded immediately, I would not have recognized or even appreciated the just for me.

As I think about it, the Most High does not limit his just for me’s to just me.  I am certain if you take some time to reflect, you can recall some just for me’s. Have you ever had a just for me?

I recall reading many just for me’s stories in God’s Holy Book (the Bible).


My favorite Just for me’s are:

  • Daniel who stayed overnight in a den of hungry lions. (Daniel 6)

  • Jonah who survived after being swallowed by a big fish and remaining in its belly for three days. (Jonah 1)

  • A young boy named David who kill a Giant called Goliath with a sling shot and a stone. (I Samuel 17)

  • A blind man called Blind Bartimaeus who received his sight. (Mark 10:46-52)

  • A paraplegic who was able to get up and walk. (John 5:1-9)

  • A mother in a funeral procession who experienced her son raised from the dead. (Luke 7:11-17)

These are just a few; to recall them all would require that I write a book instead of this blog (LOL).

If you have read the Holy Book (The Bible) perhaps you can name others. But the most compelling just for me is Jesus’s death, burial, and resurrections. I was sentence to eternal death for the murderous things I have done, but He stepped in and died just for me. But his death was not only just for m; it was also just for you.  (Mathews 27-28)

  • He allowed himself to be arrested just for you.

  • He went from courtroom to courtroom and from trial to trial just for me.

  • He was beaten and spat on just for you.

  • He wore a crown of sharp thorns digging into his head just for me.

  • He died a cruel and painful death just for you.

  • He was buried in a borrowed grave just for you.

  • But the good news is He came back to life just for me.

  • He has gone to prepare a place, just for you and just for me.

  • He will return just for you, just for me and any others who desire to live eternally with him.

  • His only request is that we live just for Him.


I am striving to live just for Him. How about you? It’s your choice, your call. Are you willing to live just for Him? If you are, then, why not start today? Make up your mind that you will start living just for Him, right now. And see how often you will experience a just for me’s.

As you experience your just for me’s, please share.

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