SS23, Q1 MANAGING FOR THE MASTER (Lesson 7) Caring for the Least of These Day 1-2: The Life and Ministry of Jesus
OUR DUTY THE POOR: God’s plan for his people was that there be no poor…
OUR DUTY THE POOR: God’s plan for his people was that there be no poor…
FUTURE REWARD: To defer immediate gratification for a future reward requires radical thinking and radical…
CHOICES HAVE CONSEQUENCES: Let’s face it, sometimes we make bad choices. Especially when we are…
THE CHOICE IS YOURS: When God calls us to make life-changing decisions, he gives us…
MAKING RADICAL CHANGES: In following the Most High, you may be required to make some…
THE WORLD’S BEST INVESTMENT STRATEGY: There is no safe place on this earth to invest…
RULES FOR SLAVERY AND LENDER: God provided guidelines for slavery and how lenders should handle…
WILL YOU COSIGN FOR ME? Did you know that God warns us against cosigning or…
GET OUT OF DEBT. Who wants to be in slavery? No one, but when we…
DEBT IS A TRAP. More Contagious than COVID and any other disease are the enticements…