Sabbath School 2023, Q1 Managing for the Master (Lesson 3) The Tithing Contract Day 3: Where is the Storehouse?
ADDING BY SUBTRACTING: Have you ever felt that regardless of how much you make, it…
ADDING BY SUBTRACTING: Have you ever felt that regardless of how much you make, it…
IT’S NOT ALL YOURS. All the resources we have come from God. He has appointed…
GOD POURS OUT BLESSINGS. Everything we need is right at our hands. God has promised…
FIRST THINGS FIRST. God promises us all the resources we need to live effectively on…
ARE YOU ROBBING GOD? In desperate situations, we have the tendency to do desperate things.…
MANAGEMENT POSITIONS OPEN: When we join God’s family, we are appointed the position of manager.…
BLESSING AND CURSES: The Book of Deuteronomy is another example of a bilateral agreement between…
YOUR CHOICE, WHICH ROAD? God has made a covenant to save us, humans, from a…
GOD’S SPECIAL AGREEMENT. God has made a special agreement with his people. Within this agreement,…
MAKE IT YOUR PRIORITY. Prioritizing involves deciding what is most important to you and giving…