The Gospel of John (Lesson 5) The Testimony of the Samaritans
JESUS’ VIEW ON BORDER WALLS Although border walls may be great in terms of addressing…
JESUS’ VIEW ON BORDER WALLS Although border walls may be great in terms of addressing…
"STUPID IS AS STUPID DOES" In the 1994 movie Forrest Gump, Tom Hanks's character Forrest…
SATAN’S PLAYBOOK It is impossible for us in our human strength to escape Satan’s evil…
CHRIST CAME FOR YOU! Regardless of your race, ethnicity, culture, or whatever, Christ died for…
WHEN THE END IS A NEW BEGINNING Is the second coming of Jesus just a…
WHEN CULTURES CLASH When called to do a special work, it is bound to happen.…
WHEN CALLED FOR A SPECIAL PURPOSE You may feel a strong inner conviction. Or you…
Overcoming prejudices and biases Researchers claim that biases and stereotypes are learned behaviors that seemly…
THE ADVANTAGE OF INCLUSIVENESS Putting aside stereotypes, prejudice, and biases has its advantages. What are…
“SEEK FIRST TO UNDERSTAND, THEN TO BE UNDERSTOOD” Putting aside our assumptions and biases with…