In the Crucible Learning to Wait Day 1: Introduction

Impatience is said to be an indication of immaturity. Children generally find waiting a challenge; in contrast, mature adults find it far easier to wait. Why is the measures of maturity found in waiting?

We are continuing our examination of the Life of Christ and others from the perspective of Living in a Crucible

Symbolically, a crucible is the fiery trials we experience as we grow and develop.

Crucibles are painful, they are uncomfortable, and they hurt, but they are beneficial in developing our character.

From the Sabbath School Adult Bible Study Guide 2022 Quarter 3: Sabbath.School

See also Hope Sabbath School and 3ABN Sabbath School

Inviting the Holy Spirit’s Presence

Heavenly Father, we put our complete trust in you. As we grow and mature spiritually. Teach us how to wait. In Jesus Name Amen.

Some SCIENTISTS did an experiment with four-year-old children and marshmallows.

In this experiment the scientists gave each child one marshmallow. Then the scientist told each child they could have an additional marshmallow if they waited until the scientists came back from an errand. The scientist explained that instead of one marshmallow they could get an extra marshmallow if they waited for the scientist to return.

What do you think happened? Did the children wait for the scientist to return before eating the marshmallow or did they eat the marshmallow soon as the scientist left?

“But the fruit of the Spirit is . . . longsuffering” (Galatians 5:22, NKJV).

Well, some of the kids stuffed their marshmallows into their mouths soon as the scientists left. However, some of the children waited until the scientist returned.

What was the difference between the two groups of children? Wanting to know the difference, the scientists followed these children until their teenage years.

They found that the children who waited to get the extra marshmallows ended up being more adjusted, better students, and more confident. The scientist also found that the children that waited also were more successful in life. Somehow the children recognized the need to have patience.

This study shows that patience is an important element in character development.  It, thus, makes sense that God would commands us to be patient.

In this series of lessons, we will look at one of the most difficult tests of all, that of learning to be patient during hard times.

We look at what it means to be patient in the crucible.

How often do you get what you want when you want it. I am sure you said either rarely or never. Then, is it not time that we change our attitude about waiting?

Furthermore, did you know that your attitude about waiting affects your relationship with God? How then can our attitudes about waiting changed? Find out in Day 2: The God of Patience

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