Three Cosmic Messages (Lesson 9) A City Called Confusion Day 5: A Call to Commitment

HOW COMMITTED ARE YOU? How do you stay totally committed when you find yourself in a situation that seems hopeless?

In the context of the three angels’ messages in Revelation 14, we discuss how we can remain totally committed to God in the most trying circumstances now and in the future.

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Holy Father, give us the power to stand even amid hard times. Help us to become totally committed. In Jesus’ Name Amen

 Even when life becomes overwhelming, committing ourselves to a cause, a relationship, or a purpose allows us to persevere and grow. In simpler terms, commitment means sticking with something even when it’s tough.

Hence, being committed bring stability and direction. By committing to relationships, friendships, education, and personal growth, you can experience the rewards that come with perseverance. Commitment builds your character, fosters discipline, and fuels personal growth.

Amid difficulties, commitment serves as a lighthouse guiding us through the storms of life. It helps us overcome challenges and gives us the strength to face adversity with resilience and determination.

By embracing commitment, even when it seems impossible, we open ourselves to God’s transforming power. And it helps us discover the true purpose He has for our lives.

When we look at the life of Jesus, we see the epitome of commitment. Despite facing rejection, suffering, and even death on the cross, Jesus remained committed to His mission of saving humanity. 

His unwavering dedication teaches us that commitment is not just about personal comfort or convenience but also sacrificial love and purpose.

“Assurance, helpfulness, security, and peace are all found in Him. Jesus is the one who clears away all our doubts and gives us the confidence we need. He is the essence of all our hopes. It’s amazing to think that we are given the opportunity to share in His divine nature. And like Him, we can remain committed and overcome every challenge. How incredible is that! (Adapted from Reflecting Christ, p. 21) 

The book of Revelation calls for us to be committed. However, at times, we may doubt that God’s people will win in this cosmic battle between good and evil, truth and error.  But we must not fear. We must remain committed. For God has promised us that His church, His people, will win in the end.

This is the point that Jesus makes in Matthew 16:18 when He is speaking to Peter, one of his followers.

18 And I also say to you that you are Peter, and on this rock I will build My church, and the gates of Hades shall not prevail against it. (Matthew 16:18) (Split)

This same point is made in Revelation 17:14 when John describes what will happen as we near the end of earth’s history.

14 These will make war with the Lamb, and the Lamb will overcome them, for He is Lord of lords and King of kings; and those who are with Him are called, chosen, and faithful.” (Revelation 17:14) (Split)

You see, Jesus is the Leader of His church. He is the foundation. And He is a solid foundation. He started His church while He was on Earth. His church is guided by His Holy Spirit and by His word, the Bible. He only asks that we remain totally committed to Him and His church. Why must we remain committed? Because there is a counterfeit.

The counterfeit to God’s church is Babylon. As expressed in the previous lesson, Babylon is a false system of religion. 

In the end, there will be only two systems of religion. God’s true church, the authentic, and Babylon, Satan’s counterfeit. Babylon means “gate of god,” with a little g meaning many gods. This further reveals that Babylon is a counterfeit system of religion.

Babylon’s system of religion is rooted in human-made teachings and traditions. In this system, the leaders replace Bible truth with human ideas, opinions, and traditions above the written revealed word of God.

They mix truth with error. Therefore, their followers become confused. This is why this false system of religion is called Babylon.

In the days of ancient Babylon, church and government were not separate. They were one in the same thing. The people believed that the king of Babylon was a messenger for the gods who told the people what the gods wanted them to do.

In Daniel 3, we find that King Nebuchadnezzar, in defiance of the true God, made universal law that forced everyone to worship a golden statue he set up.

Here is where being totally committed to the true God becomes important. In the same way that the ancient Babylonian king passed a universal decree enforcing worship and commanding all his subjects to obey his decree and bow down, similarly, in the last days of earth’s history, those who refuse to worship the false image will face imprisonment and even death. However, God’s loyal people, those totally committed to God, refuse to honor the universal decree established by false leaders to violate the commandments of God. You can read the entire story in Daniel 3.

You see, in the last days of Earth’s history, a church-state system will arise. According to Revelation, its leader will claim to speak for God. His word will be declared to be the very word of God and his commands, the actual commands of God. However, this false religious system is Babylon.

Unfortunately, many people will believe that the commands made by the leader of this false religious system commands come directly from God Himself.

For instance, historically, the Roman popes have maintained that they stand in the place of God on Earth. For example, In a letter written on June 20, 1894, Pope Leo the 13th stated, “We hold upon this earth the place of Almighty God.” The Ferraris Ecclesiastical Dictionary adds, “The Pope is of so great dignity, and so exalted that he is not a mere man, but as it were God and the vicar of God.”

Yet Paul warns that we should not be deceived by such claims: (Split)

3 Let no one deceive you by any means; for that Day will not come unless the falling away comes first, and the man of sin is revealed, the son of perdition,

4 who opposes and exalts himself above all that is called God or that is worshiped, so that he sits as God in the temple of God, showing himself that he is God. (2 Thessalonians 2:3-4).

Remember, commitment is about a willingness to stay faithful to God even when it goes against our traditions. Therefore, it is necessary to embrace commitment. It is a valuable tool for your spiritual growth. Then trust that God will guide you through every trial, helping you find purpose and fulfillment along the way. And remember that, like Jesus, you can overcome as Jesus overcame.

To learn more about the “Mystery of Babylon the Great” and how you can avoid falling for its deceptions, Watch Part 6: Babylon: The Center of Idolatry

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