
Ephesians (Lesson 5) The Cross and the Church Part 4-6

July 25, 2023|Categories: 3rd Qtr, Life Skills, Marriage and Family, Relationships and Dating, Sabbath School Lesson 2023|

“TEAR DOWN THAT WALL!” What would life look like if the wall of prejudice and racism was demolished? Can that wall be torn down? In this [...]

Ephesians (Lesson 5) The Cross and the Church Part 1-3

July 23, 2023|Categories: 3rd Qtr, Life Skills, Marriage and Family, Relationships and Dating, Sabbath School Lesson 2023|

MENDING BROKEN RELATIONSHIPS Have you ever felt alienated or separated because of your culture, your race, how you looked, your beliefs, or because of disagreement? Do [...]

Sabbath School Lesson Quarter (4) Ephesians (Lesson 4) How God Rescues Us Part 4-6

July 18, 2023|Categories: 3rd Qtr, Life Skills, Relationships and Dating, Sabbath School Lesson, Sabbath School Lesson 2023|

THE ODD THING IS… When we accept the hand of Jesus and are rescued from the evil hand and power of Satan, the odd thing is [...]

Ephesians (Lesson 4) How God Rescues Us Part 1-3

July 15, 2023|Categories: 3rd Qtr, Last Days Events, Life Skills, Relationships and Dating, Sabbath School Lesson, Sabbath School Lesson 2023|

THE GREATEST RESCUE STORY EVER Rescue stories often serve as powerful reminders of the potential for compassion, courage, and cooperation that we humans share in times [...]

Ephesians (Lesson 3) The Power of the Exalted Jesus Part 4-6

July 11, 2023|Categories: 3rd Qtr, Life Skills, Relationships and Dating, Sabbath School Lesson, Sabbath School Lesson 2023|

THE POWER IS WHITH IN YOUR REACH! Humans are often fascinated with power because it gives us a sense of control and influence over others or [...]

Marriage and Family

Relationships and Dating

Life Skills


The beginning of wisdom is this: Get wisdom. Though it cost all you have, get understanding. Prov. 4:7

The beginning of wisdom is this: Get wisdom. Though it cost all you have, get understanding. Prov. 4:7

Daily Lesson Study is a great habit that will keep you going throughout a busy week.

The beginning of wisdom is this: Get wisdom. Though it cost all you have, get understanding. Prov. 4:7

“The Lord is my strength and my song, and he has become my salvation; this is my God, and I will praise him, my father’s God, and I will exalt him.” Exodus 15:2

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