Ephesians (Lesson 3) The Power of the Exalted Jesus Part 1-3
YOU HAVE THE POWER! People often want things that are more powerful than what they already have. In simple terms, power is the ability to influence [...]
Ephesians (Lesson 2) God’s Grand, Christ-Centered Plan Part 4 God’s Grand, Christ-Centered Plan Part 4-6
WHY SHOULD WE PLAN? Planning is a valuable and necessary tool that helps us prepare for things we could potentially face up ahead. But if God [...]
Ephesians (Lesson 2) God’s Grand, Christ-Centered Plan Part 1-3
THE VALUE OF THANK YOU! How often have you done something special for someone, and they did not extend the courtesy of simply saying thank you? [...]
Ephesians (Lesson 1) Paul and the Ephesians Part 4-6
EXPERIENCING RICH THINGS IN LIFE! It seems like some people have it all together! They just look like they are on it! They seem to have [...]
Ephesians (Lesson 1) Paul and the Ephesians Part 1 -3
POSTING WITH A PURPOSE! WHEN WE WRITE, we often have a purpose for what we write. What’s your purpose for writing? In this series, we will [...]
Three Cosmic Messages (Lesson 7) Worshiping the Creator Day 1-2: A Companion in Tribulation
QUESTIONS? Have you ever stopped and wondered how we got [...]
Three Cosmic Messages (Lesson 6) THE HOUR OF HIS JUDGMENT Day 6: The Year 1844
BIBLE PREDICTIONS. Did you know that the Bible predicts the [...]
Three Cosmic Messages (Lesson 6) THE HOUR OF HIS JUDGMENT Day 5: The Messiah “Cut Off”
TROUBLING SOCIAL ISSUES. Do you find the social issue of [...]
Three Cosmic Messages (Lesson 6) THE HOUR OF HIS JUDGMENT Day 4: Angel’s Instructions to Daniel
A VISION FROM GOD. Daniel had a vision that was [...]
Three Cosmic Messages (Lesson 6) THE HOUR OF HIS JUDGMENT Day 3 The 2,300 Days and the End Time
THE TIME OF THE END. In the book of Daniel, [...]
Three Cosmic Messages (Lesson 6) THE HOUR OF HIS JUDGMENT Day 1-2 The Cleansing of the Sanctuary
A SCIENCE YOU CAN TRUST: Mathematics is a precise and [...]
The beginning of wisdom is this: Get wisdom. Though it cost all you have, get understanding. Prov. 4:7
The beginning of wisdom is this: Get wisdom. Though it cost all you have, get understanding. Prov. 4:7
Daily Lesson Study is a great habit that will keep you going throughout a busy week.
The beginning of wisdom is this: Get wisdom. Though it cost all you have, get understanding. Prov. 4:7
“The Lord is my strength and my song, and he has become my salvation; this is my God, and I will praise him, my father’s God, and I will exalt him.” Exodus 15:2