Sabbath School 2022, Q4 Future Hope (Lesson 6) He Died for Us Day 5: He died for Us
Our good behavior or good works have no power to save us. There is nothing…
Sabbath School 2022, Q4 Future Hope (Lesson 6) He Died for Us Day 4: “It is Finished”
On the cross, Jesus cried out, “it is Finished.” What was finished? What did Jesus…
Future Hope (Lesson 6) He Died for Us Day 3: A Preface to the Cross
Many do not understand just what Jesus has done for them and what it means…
Future Hope (Lesson 6) He Died for Us Day 2: “From the Foundation of the World”
God is not reactive; He is proactive. Reactive is responding after the fact. Proactive is…
Sabbath School 2022, Q4 Future Hope (Lesson 6) He Died for Us Day 1: Introduction
Most likely you have heard it. The two things we cannot avoid are death and…
Future Hope (Lesson 5) Resurrection: The Dead Raised Before the Cross Day 6: Lazarus
There is life beyond the grave. But to experience it, certain conditions must be met. …
Future Hope (Lesson 5) Resurrection: The Dead Raised Before the Cross Day 5: Jairus’s Daughter
Jesus does not limit his care to any specific ethnic group, race, social class, or…
Future Hope (Lesson 5) Resurrection: The Dead Raised Before the Cross Day 4: The Son of the Women of Nain
We are living in challenging times. And it seems like one of the most difficult…
Future Hope (Lesson 5) Resurrection: The Dead Raised Before the Cross Day 3: Two Old Testament Cases
Shortly after his death and burial, Moses was raised back to life again and taken…
Future Hope (Lesson 5) Resurrection: The Dead Raised Before the Cross Day 2: Moses Raised from the Dead
Our bodies must be pretty important to think that Satan would stand against Michael the…