Three Cosmic Messages (Lesson 12) The Seal of God and Mark of the Beast: Part 2 Part 4: Satan’s Final Strategy
WHO IS FIT TO LEAD US? Most people do not trust government, nor do they trust organizations. Then, who is fit to lead us? Disguised in the garments of humanity in the last crisis of earth’s history, Satan will try to take on this role.
We continue our study of the three angels’ messages in Revelation 14; within this context, we examine Earth’s final crisis in the war between good and evil and take a closer look at how this battle will unfold.
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Let Us Invite God’s Presence:
Holy Father, in this final crisis between good and evil, help us pledge our allegiance to you. In Jesus’ Name Amen
Let’s face it; all evidence indicates that our world is headed for a crisis. Millions wonder, “is there someone who is morally fit to lead the world?”
Revelation’s prophecies indicate that many will believe that the beast power, under the umbrella of a religious/political union, will be the power suitable for this role.
John in Revelation 17:12–14 helps us understand what will happen at the end of Earth’s history.
Revelation 17:12-14
12 “The ten horns which you saw are ten kings who have received no kingdom as yet, but they receive authority for one hour as kings with the beast.
13 These are of one mind, and they will give their power and authority to the beast.
14 These will make war with the Lamb, and the Lamb will overcome them, for He is Lord of lords and King of kings; and those who are with Him are called, chosen, and faithful.” (Revelation 17:12-14)
Three important points are made here. First, the government leaders unite and agree to give control of their governments and their laws to the sea-beast power. Remember that in prophecy, the beast symbolizes kingdoms, nations, governments, or ruling powers.
Second, this worldwide government system will make war against Jesus, the Lamb of God.
Third, in Earth’s final war, despite the intense struggle between good and evil, ultimately, good will win. Jesus and His followers win. The sea beast will lose.
What strategy might Satan use to unite the nations?
History often repeats itself. What has happened in the past tends to happen in the future. From this principle, we look at the history of the Roman Empire. From the fall of the Roman Empire, we can learn some important lessons about what will happen at the close of Earth’s History.
During the time when Constantine was the ruler of the Rome Empire, the Germans coming from the north forced their way south into his kingdom. This large invasion caused problems for Constantine and the people of Rome. Not sure of what to do, Constantine decided religion was the best way to solve the problem and keep his kingdom strong. He combined Christianity with his government. In other words, he combined the authority of the church with the power of the state. This union was just what Constantine needed to regain power.
During this time, to continue strengthening his position with the Christians, Constantine made Sunday the sacred day of rest for the Kingdom of Rome. It was Constantine’s hope that this rest day would help join together the different groups in his kingdom. The continual strengthening of the sacredness of Sunday in the fourth century was a political and religious move to unite the empire in a time of crisis. Constantine wanted his kingdom to remain strong, and he knew that that was not possible if the kingdom was divined.
The historian Arthur Weigall states: “The church made a sacred day of Sunday . . . largely because it was the weekly festival of the sun; for it was a definite Christian policy to take over the pagan festivals endeared to the people by tradition and give them Christian significance.”—The Paganism in Our Christianity (New York: G. P. Putnam’s Sons, 1928), p. 145
So, under a hidden agenda, a dual purpose existed. Constantine wanted his empire united, and the Roman Church wanted it “converted.”
A time of trouble is coming. This will be a time when everyone on Earth is desperate for someone to bring stability and safety to the world. Historically speaking, when trouble comes, people become scared. This opens the door for Satan to take control of the world, using evil that appears to have good intentions when in fact, they have a hidden agenda.
It happened this way in the past. Thus, there’s no reason to think it couldn’t happen again.
The Bible reveals that some terrible crisis will happen in the future that will cause the end times to come. We are not sure exactly how this will happen. With Covid, we have already seen how quickly things change. So, we must be ready for whatever is coming. But the one thing we can be sure of is that in the end, Jesus will win.
There will be only two groups. One group has the mark of the beast, that is, the mark of the world’s ruling power, or they will have the seal of God. What is the Mark of the Beast, and how can you avoid it? Find out in Part 5: The Mark of the Beast
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